VX 520: A terminal for today and the future
The Verifone® VX 520 brings the latest technology to your business and includes key features to help reduce fraud.
Strengthen payment security | Prepare to accept chip cards | Accept contactless payments |
Designed to help merchants defend against data breaches, the tamper resistant VX 520 features an optional Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) service. This service helps protect payment data from the initial card swipe at the POS in the store to Worldpay. | After a Worldpay software update, you’ll be ready to accept EMV® chip cards.* The EMV standard is the best practice for card-present transaction security. It has greatly reduced cardpresent fraud around the world. | Customers can make contactless payments using their smart phone at VX 520 terminals at the point of sale (POS). Customers simply tap their mobile wallet to the POS to initiate contactless payment. The VX 520 supports multiple mobile wallets including Apple PayTM, Android Pay and Samsung Wallet.** |